All About Cat's Eye Quartz

Cat's Eye Quartz

to amplify good luck and fortune

Cat's Eye is believed to help ward off evil andprotects against unforeseen danger. A grounding stone that provides protective energy and can dispel unwanted energy from the aura. It transforms negative thoughts into positive ones. It brings happiness and serenity, along with optimism, generosity, and confidence. Believed to bring luck, fortune, and wealth.

Cat's Eye Quartz has been prized for centuries across various cultures. In ancient India, it was believed to protect against the evil eye and bring good luck. Roman soldiers carried it into battle, believing it would grant them courage and protection. In Chinese culture, it was often used in Feng Shui to attract wealth and prosperity.

Shop Cat's Eye Quartz
  • Physical Properties

    Colors: Gray, Yellow, Brown, White, Black

    Origin: Primarily mined in: Brazil, India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Russia

    Composition: Is a variety of quartz that contains fibrous inclusions, which create a chatoyant effect, or "cat's eye." It belongs to the quartz family.

  • Metaphysical Properties

    Courage, Determination, Evil Eye, Focus, Grounding, Insight, Intelligence, Intuition, Knowledge, Luck, Manifestation, Protection, Prosperity, Resolve, Strength, Vigour, Wealth, Willpower

  • Chakra Association

    • Solar Plexus
    • Root
  • Affirmation

    I am protected by the Universe.

  • Zodiac Compatibility

    • Aries
    • Leo
  • Element Association

    • Fire
  • Planetary Association

    • Sun
    Planetary Association Basics 
  • Numeric Vibration

    • 8
    Numeric Vibration Basics 
  • Energy Polarity

    • Yang, Masculine
  • Feng Shui Uses

    Area: Career & Life Path (North), Helpful People & Travel (Northwest)

    Purpose: Protection, Clarity, Focus

    Element: Metal

    How to Use Crystals in Feng Shui 
  • Practical Uses

    Cat's Eye Quartz is ideal for protection and enhancing intuition; use it to ward off negative energies and gain clarity in decision-making. Place Cat's Eye Quartz near the entrance of your home to protect against negative energies and ensure a clear, positive flow of energy into your living space.

  • How to Care For

    • Selenite Cleanse
    • Smoke Cleanse
    • Sound Cleanse
    • Moonlight Cleanse
    • Use caution when using water, salt, or sunlight
    Shop Smoke Cleansing 

Caution: While Cat's Eye Quartz can be rinsed briefly under water, avoid prolonged soaking, especially in saltwater, to prevent potential damage to the crystal.

Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight to prevent Cat's Eye Quartz from fading.

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